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Septage Treatment Plant

What is septage

Septage, sometimes known as "septic tank sludge," refers to the combination of solid and liquid waste that accumulates in septic tanks. It is the material that needs to be regularly pumped out and removed from septic systems to ensure their proper functioning. Septage is a by-product of a septic tank's processing of residential wastewater (sewage).


Septage consists of a mixture of human waste, toilet paper, water, and other organic and inorganic substances that have undergone partial decomposition within the septic tank. The removal of septage through a process called septic tank pumping or desludging is essential to prevent tank overflow, avoid blockages, and maintain the overall health and functionality of the septic system.

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Septage Treatment Plant Using
AOP Technology

Oxidation is a chemical reaction that causes a chemical component or molecule to break down. This basic scientific truth is the foundation of Advanced Oxidation Process (AOP) Technology, which we apply in wastewater treatment to oxidize organic and inorganic substances using Ozone (O3).


Ozone is the most powerful known oxidant, capable of reacting with practically anything it comes into contact with. It can also effectively kill a variety of microbiological species by damaging their DNA. This potent chemical is extremely unstable, which makes it ideal for wastewater treatment.

AOP Techniques We Employ:

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A recent AOP method that employs ultrasound to generate OH radicals from water, effectively eliminating toxic water pollutants without the need for external chemicals.


Wet Oxidation (Wet Air Oxidation):

A recent AOP method that employs ultrasound to generate OH radicals from water, effectively eliminating toxic water pollutants without the need for external chemicals.


Fenton Oxidation:

Often used to treat toxic pollutants in industrial wastewater. This process involves the reaction of iron salt with hydrogen peroxide to create hydroxyl radicals, demanding acidic conditions.



An advanced oxidation process utilizing hydroxyl radicals for water disinfection and decontamination. Its non-selective nature makes it effective for eliminating various microorganisms, including those resistant to antimicrobials.



UV-based advanced oxidation processes (UV-AOPs) are promising techniques for effectively treating stubborn chemicals and biological contaminants in drinking water. These processes inevitably alter the characteristics of natural organic matter (NOM) and influence the formation of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) after disinfection.



Ozonation (also known as ozonisation) is a chemical water treatment method involving the infusion of ozone into water. This reactive gas with limited solubility, typically generated on-site (to achieve a 1–2 ppm dose), uses dry air or pure oxygen through high-voltage corona discharge.


Why Use AJA NRW Solution's
AOP Technology?

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  • Rapid reaction rates

  • Can work for disinfection

  • Mineralization of organics

  • Does not concentrate waste for further treatment

  • Theoretically, do not introduce new hazardous substances into water

  • Can treat nearly all organic materials and can remove some heavy metals

  • No sludge production as with chemical or biological processes

The Process of our AOP Technology

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